Improve your GERMAN with a great story | B1 B2 | Deutsch lernen
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Video summary
Thomas had recently started his carpentry apprenticeship with Andreas Zimmerer. His master was happy to be able to train an apprentice again after a long time. Thomas started his training motivated and open, closely observing his experienced master working on a special wooden cabinet with many artistic decorations. This required a lot of patience and great craftsmanship, as Andreas spent hours chiseling, grinding and polishing the details.
Thomas found it difficult to understand how one could spend so much time on small details, as it seemed boring and frustrating to him. However, Thomas had chosen carpentry because he had heard about the good money and the demand for custom-made furniture by wealthy customers.
As Thomas learned the basic carpentry skills, he became increasingly impatient, wanting to see faster progress and make his own pieces. He complained to his master, who tried to explain that he still needed more practice. Noticing Thomas' lack of patience and desire for quick success, the master eventually agreed to give him a big task - making an artistic table for a customer with specific requirements.
Thomas worked enthusiastically on the table at first, but soon grew tired of the meticulous, detailed work. Wanting to find a quicker solution, he decided to paint the decorative elements instead of carving them by hand. He was able to complete the table much faster this way, finishing in just 5 hours compared to the week the master had estimated.
When the customer came to pick up the table, however, disaster struck - the rain caused the painted details to smear and blur, ruining the piece. Thomas was ashamed, realizing that his desire for speed had led him to make the wrong decision. The master noted that true craftsmanship requires patience, care, precision and attention to detail - lessons that Thomas now understood he still needed to learn.